Wednesday 27 March 2013

The African Buffalo

The African Buffalo, not necessarily one of the cutest of the animals found in our game But never the less still a remarkable creature! A part of the “Big Five” group of animals which included the elephant, rhino, lion and leopard, it was once a popular trophy for hunters but if left alone they are usually placid.

Location: Africa
Diet: herbivore
Lifespan: 20 years
Interesting fact: Female African buffalo tend to stay in herds, but the male African buffalo are solitary creatures.

We found some footage of the buffalo at San Diego’s Safari park, the tour guide does sound incredibly familiar. He sounds like Rowlf the dog from the Muppets! Check out the video of the African buffalo with the tour guide and then immediately check out the Rowlf the dog song below! Perhaps this is Rowlfs day job!

African buffalo tour guide:

Rowlf's sing along:

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